Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Greatest Phobia Hiding in Gaming Universe (May 3, 2011)

I'm a wuss. Yes, I'm allowing you to call me out on it. I've got a few phobias. Claustrophobia, batophobia (fear of heights), arachnophobia (fear of spiders); however, coulrophobia is probably one of my biggest/worst of my phobias. What is coulrophobia? Fear of... CLOWNS.

(Yes, I've got chills just looking at this picture. How sad is that, huh?) So, why am I touching on this topic? Because of Batman. Batman: Arkham Asylum was beautiful to watch. (I'm horrible with dual thumb controllers, but I'm attracted to story line and graphics.) The shadowing and the reflections, movements and fight sequences were all wonderful in Arkham Asylum. So, when I heard that Batman: Arkham City was coming out, I was excited to see where the story was going to go and how the sequences and graphics were going to look like. When Game Informer did a preview of Arkham City (issue 217), I was ready to focus on what they had to say. It took me - literally - 2 weeks before I could bring myself to read the preview due to the clowns all over the spread. (I'm still shivering. Why do I feel as if the above clown is staring at me?!)

I know, I'm being such a big baby. Arkham Asylum was all about getting to Joker and Arkham City is no different, so naturally there's going to be clowns all over the damn game(s). How could I possibly be so intrigued by the game(s), while being such a wuss over the presence of clowns? I don't f***ing know! As much as I try to just tunnel vision the clowns out, but I still get the creeps as I know the clowns are there! Any way, Arkham City is bringing in one of my favorite Batman villians into the story, and I'm super excited about it, and the teaser pictures that GI printed in their preview is a bwitch that tickles my eye buds (that really doesn't have the same ring as "taste buds", does it?) The Riddler is going to be a make it or break it for me in Arkham City, and I hope the character is perfection - or at least close to perfection. I'm hopeful that my tunnel vision can survive all the clowns and the clown painted faces of thugs to enjoy the presence of the Riddler and Black Mask, whom I know very little about. (Hmm, new thing for me to research and learn about! Yay!)

Another game that I sort of took to - after being introduced to it by a friend, who in good intentions wanted to help break me out of my coulrophobia - that revolved around clowns, but I still cringe when I play: Clown Killer.
It's an extremely basic survival online game. The concept: Killer clowns have taken over your city and you must kill as many clowns before your time runs out. Thistler, the creator, is awesome for coming up with this game; however, I still cringe when I play his 2-D walk 'n shoot game. Yes, I'm that pathetic! I still recommend the game, if you're stuck in the library or somewhere you want to get away from but can't, and you need to look busy.... NOT that I'm saying to play this while you're at work or at school! I'm just saying. It's addicting and creepy... for me.

You solid gamers may remember this next clown. I, for one, was happily asleep for this part!
Adam the Clown Dead Rising
I did NOT know, when I started watching people play Dead Rising, there was going to be a clown boss. No one informed me about it. Luckily, I was asleep when people were fighting him. (Sadly, I was also asleep when certain people completed the game, and I missed out on the story.) However, when I was watching boss fights that I had missed, I was squirming in my chair and bit my tongue to muffle my screaming when I heard Adam's laughing entrance and saw him juggling his saws. Excuse me while I shiver and shake the laughter out of my head. I can't stop them from coming, since I have Adam staring back at me as I type. I have to admit, the fight sequences that I watched were awesome and the bickering one liners were enough for me to push through the fact that Adam was a clown.

I'm actually very happy that clowns stay mostly on the console games and don't dribble their presences in MMOs, especially EverQuest 2. I don't think I could play a zone with clowns in EQ2. I'd be shivering, shaking and squealing half the time I'd be in the zone. Oh wait... I already do that in a few zones where everything aggro my sorry little butt. (Any zone with giant spiders equals me shivering, shaking, and whining to get out of the zone. Sad, huh?)

Let's see if I can slowly break out of my coulrophobia and enjoy "clowning" around with clowns as the majority of society does. Have any recommendations as to how to go about doing it?

Until next topic!

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