Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sims 3

If you are like me -- my parents will probably be hunting me down after I say this -- If you are like me, you have the desire to control everything, to create people out of your own twisted imagination/image, to pretty much play god. This is when I must praise the gaming universe! Electronic Arts and The Sims Studio, since you probably want me to elaborate.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pass me a Flashlight!

I just saw this, but I'm not 100% sure if it's solid enough to believe. So, what do I do? I'm trying to do a bit of research as I write this entry. Am I that excited about this bit of news? Though I'm not the best person for horror (anything scary at that!), I did enjoy this thriller/suspense game. Yes, I'm talking about a video game. Ladies and Gents, I'm hesitantly excited about...

Greatest Phobia Hiding in Gaming Universe (May 3, 2011)

I'm a wuss. Yes, I'm allowing you to call me out on it. I've got a few phobias. Claustrophobia, batophobia (fear of heights), arachnophobia (fear of spiders); however, coulrophobia is probably one of my biggest/worst of my phobias. What is coulrophobia? Fear of... CLOWNS.