Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sims 3

If you are like me -- my parents will probably be hunting me down after I say this -- If you are like me, you have the desire to control everything, to create people out of your own twisted imagination/image, to pretty much play god. This is when I must praise the gaming universe! Electronic Arts and The Sims Studio, since you probably want me to elaborate.

I wasn't that big on The Sims. I was still too concentrated on reality and trying to fix reality when the game and all its expansions came out. I promise you, fellow gamers, I did not know this awesome game existed! I was a failure in the gaming department back then! Forgive me!

I got a late, and I mean late, start in playing The Sims 2. I had - of course - the original game, but I only had the Family Fun Stuff. I seriously believed I was wasting my gaming money if I bought all the expansions and stuff packs. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. However, this second generation The Sims game opened this "I am a god" complex in me that I wanted to release in reality but couldn't (hmm, would "shouldn't" be a better word than "couldn't"?). I built insane housing - as in structurally not possible in reality, and I allowed my "people" to go without food or a shower for days, weeks, months. I had a ghost child for crying out loud!!! I believe I even had one of my "people" have 3 sets of twins. I was aiming for 5 sets of twins, but the game sets a limit of people living in "one house". BOOOOOOO Needless to say, I fell in love with The Sims 2, and when I heard that The Sims 3 was coming out, guess who demanded it as a gift for Christmas/Birthday... You guess it. I demanded a copy of the game to be in my possession.

I nearly ruined the case trying to get the disc out of the box and into my computer. My first "person" took me - in a nonchalant tone - one hour and twenty-five minutes to create. You honestly don't want to know how long it took me to create my first "house"! You'd probably be laughing at me or throwing popcorn at your monitor in hopes it'll hit me in the face. Let's just say: it was embarrassing in a creative way. During the first few months of owning #3, I probably created, recreated people, houses, towns five times over: completing lifetime goals, making insane Simoleans (or is it Simoleons?), having multi-babies, killing "people" off, changing jobs, hooking up my "people" with random town people.... Oh, I was loving my #3 "god complex."

When they announced the World Adventures expansion, I told myself: If you love playing #3, just think how much awesomeness you'd have if you got to travel to China and Egypt with your minions.... Oh my brain was right! However, I had one stipulation: I'd only get this one expansion. I did the math and decided that it was worth my one condition. I deleted all four of my original #3 saved towns/households and started fresh - again. I had one girl have 3 babies from 3 different guys from the 3 "world" areas: France, China, Egypt. Also, I made the same girl have a ghost baby from her town. Took forever to get the ghost baby created, let me tell you! I also have to say, getting cursed by mummies... not frickin' fun! I had one person drop dead after 14 days of being cursed, another go puking up his guts out until he died, so I try to get their asses to the Sphinx if/when cursed by a mummy. I must admit, I hate the developers/designers who had the charge of creating France. The "tombs" are a bit too simple. Sure, the mansion is awesome and was a pain in the ass the first go around, but they could've done a little bit more to make it up to par with China's and (especially) Egypt's "tombs". China and Egypt had the coolest looking, detail-oriented "tombs" that just made spelunking (fine, exploring) so much more fun and exciting. I even killed one of my people because I forgot to buy dried food before going into one of the "tombs" in China.

Naturally, as #1 and #2 before it, The Sims 3 has come out with many more expansions and stuff packs, as follows (in no particular order):

Design & High Tech Stuff (aka High-End Loft Stuff): I looked at the "stuff" that was going to be released and was not impressed. Lots of Modern and Futuristic furniture, decorations and clothes, but really nothing that made it worthy of my attention.... Except for the heart-shaped bed. It vibrated.... I'm a freak, so what?!

Ambitions Expansion: This expansion opened the door to a Sims laundry system! As well as several new career options: Doctor, Architect, P.I., Tattooist, Stylist, and (the profession that I found a bit insulting) Ghost Hunter. There were also new skills to learn like inventing and sculpting, and naturally, there was also a new town - Twinbrook - that I did (still do) want to check out. Still, the Ghost Hunter career option turned me off on getting this expansion. Besides, I still had my one stipulation to face.

Outdoor Living Stuff: I think this is the latest to come out (???). The only "cool" (as in oooh aaah) for me is the new hot tubs. Other than that, this pretty much revamps the outdoor grills, furniture, decor, blah, blah, blah. However, the hot tub option is pretty tempting....

Late Night Expansion: Want to be a musician? An actor? This expansion gave a shout out to the night owls - going as far as introducing a new way of dying: by vampire bite! Bridgeport is the new town addition, and of course, lots of new furniture and decoration that is well-suited for the night life of crazy people.

Fast Lane Stuff: Cars, Cars, Racing, Cars, Cars... and did I mention Cars?! I wanted to get this Stuff pack for the classic, antique-y cars, but again... one stipulation! I had already bought World Adventures....

Now, I'm 50/50 pissed that I've spent my one stipulation on World Adventures. Why? Because of this --
The Sims 3: Generations Expansion!!! Wait. I need more proof! Game Spot News gave me more than enough supporting evidence, and I even checked EA Games to make sure it was true. Yes, ladies and gents (and aspiring "gods"): Generations Expansion is coming out this year, this month!

Generations brings about a new life during each phase of life: child, teen, young adult. More pranks, prom!, elaborate wedding ceremonies. Naturally, more clothes, more toys, more decorations and furniture, and more insanity to play "god" with! Needless to say, I am itching for this; however, I won't be getting this expansion.

I have my eyes set on a different Sims, and I'm going to have to wait until the price drops, because thanks to this economy, I don't have anything to spare to purchase the game. Which Sims is this crazy girl talking about? I am aiming for The Medieval Sims!!! However, I plan on saving the world of kings, queens, knights, swords, chivalry, honor, and love for another entry, as I want to have some personal experience with the game before speaking my peace... piece.... So!

Until next game - (I finally have Game Informer issue 218!)


  1. Having played Sims Medieval ... don't bother. The game takes away the "sims" fun, and makes it all "quest oriented" ... you have limited capability to make your 'hero' sims, one per 'building' - the physicians office, wizard's tower, etc.
    You cannot change the buildings or make new buildings, the interior decor can be added to, but not massively rearranged ... You're locked into the first overarching quest/ambition - the ambition is for the Kingdom, not the individual sim -- and you have to finish it before any others unlock ....
    I was just not as impressed with Sims Medieval as I wanted to be.

    just my 2 cents - ymmv ...

  2. Awesome review/post!
    Kudos to you for this very entertaining review/post! :D
