Thursday, June 23, 2011

Norrath's Delicacies: Coming to Life Soon...

My MMORPG's have allowed me to express my desire for cooking and food in awesome ways. From Final Fantasy 11 and the spam crafting on my little Taru-Taru, Kurelle, to Lord of the Rings Online and my little Hobbit, Kurelle, running off away from the "fellowship" to harvest a berry bush or pull up some carrots and onions, I always had a soft spot for cooking/provisioning crafters in MMORPG's. However, there is one MMORPG that I have drooled over the names of the dishes I would craft... EverQuest 2.

Friday, June 17, 2011

EQ2 Fury Solo Spec

I love MMO's. I'm still working on an entry about them! However, in the mean time, I must confess something. In my search for the "perfect" AA spec for my Fury, Kurelle, in EverQuest 2, I found that my hunt always led me to dead ends. Dead ends - as in - "This spec is better than yours." "My spec can do this much damage." "Why would you take that line? That's stupid." Like most healer focused threads, the Fury threads regarding AA specs are just one bash fest after another. So, after speaking with a few Furies in-game and actually reading each individual bubble on Kurelle's AA trees, this is the set up I've come up with.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Sims 3

If you are like me -- my parents will probably be hunting me down after I say this -- If you are like me, you have the desire to control everything, to create people out of your own twisted imagination/image, to pretty much play god. This is when I must praise the gaming universe! Electronic Arts and The Sims Studio, since you probably want me to elaborate.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pass me a Flashlight!

I just saw this, but I'm not 100% sure if it's solid enough to believe. So, what do I do? I'm trying to do a bit of research as I write this entry. Am I that excited about this bit of news? Though I'm not the best person for horror (anything scary at that!), I did enjoy this thriller/suspense game. Yes, I'm talking about a video game. Ladies and Gents, I'm hesitantly excited about...

Greatest Phobia Hiding in Gaming Universe (May 3, 2011)

I'm a wuss. Yes, I'm allowing you to call me out on it. I've got a few phobias. Claustrophobia, batophobia (fear of heights), arachnophobia (fear of spiders); however, coulrophobia is probably one of my biggest/worst of my phobias. What is coulrophobia? Fear of... CLOWNS.