Friday, June 17, 2011

EQ2 Fury Solo Spec

I love MMO's. I'm still working on an entry about them! However, in the mean time, I must confess something. In my search for the "perfect" AA spec for my Fury, Kurelle, in EverQuest 2, I found that my hunt always led me to dead ends. Dead ends - as in - "This spec is better than yours." "My spec can do this much damage." "Why would you take that line? That's stupid." Like most healer focused threads, the Fury threads regarding AA specs are just one bash fest after another. So, after speaking with a few Furies in-game and actually reading each individual bubble on Kurelle's AA trees, this is the set up I've come up with.

First of all, my stats with no buffs and with no one to group buff me (on my gear and my adornments):
Crit Chance-200.7% Crit Mit-135.8% Crit Bonus-140.1% Ability Mod-496 Potency-136.6% Multi Attack-62%

The Druid Tree: I went for STR, AGI and INT. Keep in mind, this is SOLO/DPS spec. STR line because Wild Ferocity ups multi attack, Natural Boon heals my group and me on melee, and Primordial Strike - well - more swings I have in solo fights, the better! AGI line for Wild Regeneration. Why? Since my focus is mainly on damage, damage, damage, it's nice to up the initial tick of regen heals by 30%. I can keep casting Regrowth and Autumn's Kiss without panicking on the heals. INT line - "Kurelle wants big booms!" - Stormcaller's Control beefs up my base damage by 10% (and yes, 10% makes a big difference in the long run), Stormvision beefs up Ordination, Disruption and Focus, and lastly, Infusion. This self-buff inflicts an AOE magic damage on beneficial spell casts! How could I not get this??? On the SF line: Wild Protection is lovely to have (reduces damage taken) and Stormcaller's Renewal is a must (heals group on hostile spell cast). Naturally, I grabbed Tunare's Grace. (Another motto: The more cures, the better!)

I have 4 simple rules on the Fury Tree: (1) cap anything that says "Improves Crit Bonus" (2) cap anything that says "Increases trigger percent" and group buffs (3) cap anything that says "Reduces resistibility" (4) must get Energy Vortex. Those four rules are the bare requirements for this tree. I also opted to cap Enhance: Emergency Healing, which increases heal amount (the less I have to heal while in DPS/Solo spec, the better). If you put any points in Peerless Predator, you might as well have put those points into Pact of Cheetah. Your group would enjoy it. Fae Fire: If you put any points in this bubble, you're wasting points. Don't waste points. On the SF line: cap Tempest, Death Swarm and Master of the Hunt. Oh! As well as Cure! Don't waste points on the heals - this is your DPS spec after all. Last but 100% never the least, get Natural Cleanse. I use it as an emergency cure in this spec.

Oh, the Shadows Tree.... General line: Health and Power all the way! Priest line: I went with mitigation and the rez. I've seen a couple of specs with Litany of Combat (the first bubble), but I need more mitigation. =/ Druid line: anything that ups damage and of course, the end of line, Wrath of Nature. Fury line: debuff, potency, improved damage and crit damage, and the end of line, Master of Storms (ups crit bonus, improves casting hostile spells, ups base and crit damage... but it does reduce heals).

Lastly, the Heroic Tree: I went back and forth with this one, but I'm comfortable with what I have. Capped stat increase, ability mod, crit bonus, and potency. I've seen specs that capped reuse speed, which I see as a waste. If you time your casting and your auto attack, you'll never be out of something to cast. Eight points went to Spirit of Druidism, as I believed I needed to cap potency (yes, that was my flip-flop decision), and I chose to go with SoD because the 2 of the others are for heals/cures and the enhancement for Wrath of Nature is just for reuse timer and reduction of duration (waste). My final flippity-floppy decision was on the final line: Protective Instinct (red bubble) or Howling with the Pack (doggy bubble). I went with the first, because PI watches my damage done then converts the damage into a group ward. Howling's nice, but I use it more when I'm 100% healing than 99% damaging, 1% healing.

To show you how decent this set up works, I smacked around an epic training dummy for 18 minutes (this is how long it takes for me to run out of mana, and I only used the lvl 30 Manastone from the HQ: Return of the Light).

My stats for this test: Crit Chance-204.2% Crit Mit-135.8% Crit Bonus-150.1% Ability Mod-496 Potency-136.6% Multi Attack-62%

The average of 8352 damage was marked after I had lost all my mana. At 50% mana, I was averaging 9500 damage. This test was also done with mostly Expert spells. That is my excuse for not hitting so hard, and I'm sticking to it! LOL

My final thoughts: If you're seeking the "best" Solo/DPS spec for your fury, don't settle for just one person's spec. There are lots of routes to choose; mix and match lines, research what each bubble does. Don't let any other Fury tell you how to play your class. Learn to pace yourself in your casting. I used to not care about auto attack and about recast timers, but after a lot of practice, the two do pay off in the end.

Until next gaming topic --

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